About Stuff

Saturday, March 28, 2009



Vote Earth at 8:30PM local time, wherever you live on planet earth. Saturday 28 March 2009. Get involved. For just one hour, Earth Hour, from 8:30PM to 9:30PM, switch your lights off.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009


Utada's latest single:

Just wait for her new album, This Is The One, coming May 12.


A friend of mine, not an Anime fan, watched Death Note recently and now he's interested in other series. My first advice for him was:

"In my book, you havn't seen Anime untill you watched Evangelion."

Neon Genesis Evangelion - Perfect Collection

I also told him to skip the last two episodes and jump right to The End of Evangelion movie.

The End of Evangelion

He's giving it a shot next week. I may post about his thoughts once he's done.

Sunday, March 01, 2009


 Dead Space cover

Like some, I had trouble enjoying EA's GOTY candidate, Dead Space. I played till Chapter 6 then moved to the colorful Valkyria Chronicles (but that's for another post). Once I beat Sega's masterpiece, I played other games instead of replaying it as I planned to. This time though I enjoyed casual games, something out of character for me. I played Mahjong: Ancient Tales, which opened my eyes to tmhe casual market so I checked several similar games on my iPod touch. But then I took a break because there was nothing that I wanted to play at the moment despite several leftovers from the holiday season (like MotorStorm: Pacific Rift, Fallout 3 and Persona 4).

Dead Space screenshot

This was a good opportunity to revisit the USG Ishimura as engineer Isaac Clarke. With a set of fresh eyes, I found myself unable to leave my Necromorphs alien friends, dismembering them one limb at a time.

I am only one trophy away from getting a Platinum on this one (currently having my second playthrough, on Impossible difficulty this time, which is cutting into my time on planet Helghan).

I am actually excited about the Wii's prequel, called Dead Space: Extraction, especially after finding out that it won't be a port as expected.