Here are some images of Kratos riding Pegasus from God of War II:

The demo should ship this week.
Here are some images of Kratos riding Pegasus from God of War II:
The demo should ship this week.
It's been a year since the terrorist bombing of Imam Askari's shrine in Iraq.
All Muslims should condemn this ugly crime where many innocent lives were lost while praying in this holy place.
For a while now, a few suggested Bleach anime series of which I watched a few episodes whenever I was extremely bored and got nothing to do. Nevertheless, once you reach episode 16 or so, which took me over a year, you just cannot resist. After two years of no anime, now I have Naruto (fillers end this week) and Bleach to watch and wait for every week.
Just about 24 hours ago, a friend of my brother's brought over his Japanese PS3 along with Genji II, Ridge Racer 7 and Gundam. I'll admit that only RR7 got to me (not that much though). Including another SIXAXIS (PS3's controller), it cost him a bit over $1000.
There's a possibility that I'm getting one (American though) this Thursday for $800 (console alone). Just as much as my XBOX 360 cost me. I think I'll get only Resistance: Fall of Man for now (Virtua Fighter 5 is coming out later this month).
Yesterday, J.K.Rowling announced the release date of the 7th book of the Harry Potter series:
"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows will be published on Saturday 21st July 2007 at 00:01 BST in the UK and at 00:01 in the USA. It will also be released at 00:01 BST on Saturday 21st July in other English speaking countries around the world."
That's less than a month after my graduation and about a week after the release of the 5th movie.
The demo for God of War II (cover shown below) is shipping very soon.
Hopefully I'll get it before I go back to college.