While you enjoy Burnout Paradise demo (out on both PSN and LIVE, though you need a Gold account on LIVE to download it thanks to Microsoft), I bore myself to death studying for my exams next week. Anyway, since I cannot stop thinking about Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction and how I should collect all skill points, upgrade all weapons to Lvl.10 and get that RYNO IV, or imagining myself collecting all treasures and medals in Uncharted, I thought why not just right about my experience with Uncharted: Drake's Fortune? Why indeed. So here we are.

One thing is certain about Uncharted: once you are holding the SIXAXIS playing it, you cannot, and will not, put that SIXAXIS down. When I first got it very late at night after a very tiring trip from Riyadh to Hofuf, I put the game's blu-ray disc into my PS3 around 1AM with the intention of only trying it out (for a few minutes). Being tired and sleepy as I was, I couldn't stop playing till five hours later only to sleep then wake up and hit it again till I am watching the credits. Now I am in a second playthrough and I am planning a third as well.
Now I don't want to spoil the game for you or anything but I have to state my one complaint about the game: there's more shooting than I expected, a lot more. This, as I mentioned, is because of what I was thinking/expecting Uncharted would be so it isn't the game's fault in anyway. And it really shouldn't be called a complaint but I'm out of words here.

If you have a PS3, and I see no reason for any sane person not to have one at this point, you MUST buy and play Uncharted.
On another note, I cannot believe how many re-playthroughs I'm doing these days: with God of War II, Heavenly Sword, Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank and maybe Gears of War, Assassin's Creed and Mass Effect, just maybe.
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