Well, almost 16 months and now I can say: I finished Lair. And you know what? This game is not bad as the critics say. It can be frustrating at times, especially when you fail and it isn't really your mistake. Those times can happen because there is a timer for a specific object that isn't shown to you. They can also occur because there is no radar system and that the arrow on the top-right corner isn't much of help in such a 3D game. My advice is to play with the analog controls and turn the cross-hair on. And if you need any mission specific assistance, then head to IGN's Lair Guide. I found it quite helpful, specifically for finishing the mission I was stuck at all this time (mission 12 out of 14).
If you are asking: why play Lair now? Here's your answer: there were too many signs. From David Jaffe naming his Home club "Sweet Tooth's Lair" to all the different rumors about Factor 5's financial problems. Besides, I always wanted to give that mission a try after the patch and I just found out that I was only 3 missions away from beating the game (see, even before the patch, I was able to make a good progress). My main complaints about the game were, as illustrated above, design related. I had no problem with the controls, except for charging ahead instead of doing a 360 and vise versa, which was fixed by the free Dragons and Control Pack.