A few days ago, I sold four games from my PS3 collection. Why? Because I needed some cash for an item that I intend to buy next month and that was the only used games market we have here.

None of the shops was interested in buying XBOX 360 games or any of the other systems.

I started with games that didn't support trophies that I finished and was done with (The Force Unleashed, Lair and Dark Kingdom) or I lost interest in (Armored Core for Answer).

I only sold one game before: Lumines on PSP.

My visit to the used games market opened my eyes to the reality that I can no longer afford to buy brand new games every time. It may take some time getting used to, but I'll wait till non-AAA titles are available in the cost effective, customer friendly used games market.

There will be more games to sell or exchange (I am looking at you Ghostbusters).
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