Since the new PS3's firmware update, users have been able to download and do just about anything at the same time (e.g. listen to music, watch videos or even play games). Now, how good is this new feature?

Well, let's compare it with something similar, say the same feature on XBOX 360. Unlike the 360 download functionality, PS3's actually allows you to resume downloading your files. Believe me when I say that using a 64KB connection I was able to download a few demos in a week. This would require me more than a month to do on 360 using even a higher-speed connection like 128KB. On the other hand, 360 allows you to prioritize your downloads, which is not possible on PS3. Never the less, 360 removes files from your list whenever it fails to download them while PS3 does something that you could call "parallel downloading."

I just watched 300 yet I didn't mention it. I wonder why.
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