About Stuff

Monday, April 09, 2007


It's been a while since I stopped watching Anime like a maniac (since the 1st Naruto fillers to be exact). Naturally, I would be excited for Naruto's return with Naruto Shippuuden (aka Naruto Hurricane Chronicles). Unfortunately, the harsh truth is that after a very long stretch of meaningless fillers, Naruto just lost it's charm. I believe the team just lost "it" (at least so far that is). Nevertheless, I want to get back and so I made my move by resuming watching the fabulous His and Her Circumstances (aka Kare Kano).

Kare Kano

I couldn't be more excited about my return despite Kare Kano's lack of a satisfying ending. It simply further proves that a great Anime always suffers from a shabby ending (just like Evangelion, unless you count The End of Evangelion).


Anyway, I just watched the first episode of D.Gray Man and I liked it. It really stood out to me among many other new Animes. I really miss the days of great Anime series that are not an adaptation of a Manga hit; like Please Teacher (aka Onegai Sensei) .hack//SIGN and Full Metal Panic.

Still reading SMARTBOMB!

Saturday, April 07, 2007


Time is the least flexible thing; it passes no matter what. But we all know that. So rest assured, this is not the subject of this blog.

Since the Internet, time has been measured by speed: speed of your connection. Sometime before that, it was (and still is) measured by the speed of your CPU. This in a way affects your lifespan (or productivity if you like). The faster the available connection or processing power, the more you get done in the same (if not less) amount of time. You could say that a slow computer could shorten your life.

My team and I started programming phase in our senior project (and I'm still reading SMARTBOMB).

Monday, April 02, 2007


I cannot stress on how glad I am that David Jaffe (God of War and Twisted Metal) shifted to more casual, small games. Don't get me wrong. I love God of War, I'm a sucker for it. But, how many huge, epic games are there? I won't say too many but I'll say: more than what my budget can handle. Besides, do you seriously want me to say no to a yearly game from this man?! Calling All Cars is coming out on April 19th on PLAYSTATION NETWORK. Let's try it first, then have the final word.

Calling All Cars

I'm reading SMARTBOMB these days.