Special occasions inspire special treatments and the release of Batman Arkham Asylum video game on PS3 is such an occasion. In Saudi Arabia, Saturday is the start of the week while Friday is its end; and this week's post on Saturday is back-to-back with last week's post on Friday (i.e. yesterday).

Realizing that my previous post was rushed as I missed a few points that I wanted to mention, I decided to write it now since I feel inclined to do so. And despite the continuous disappointments of my favorite sport this year, I will always root for the Brawns and say "Push the Button." I am even disregarding the fact that it is irrelevant at this point to wait for Trophies to be patched into Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns of the Patriots or even hope for a sequel to Capcom's Onimusha; as the Kazekage says, "When did all of you throw yourselves away?" At least we know now that the Dark Knight has an additional reason to get the sequel treatment.

This is one of those days where I am sick and tired but also feel light, which in great part is due to some good news. Now, enough of all the rambling and lets get to the meat of this piece.

The first thing I would like to mention here is how the recently revealed Space Exploration feature in Ratchet & Clank Future A Crack in Time reminds me of Super Mario Galaxy. I also wanted to mention that while playing Batman Arkham Asylum, I was constantly reminded of Metal Gear Solid 4, the main differences are that the first is shorter though the Invisible Predator is cooler than Old Snake.