About Stuff

Friday, January 06, 2006

I just finished The Alchemist, 3 hours before the weekend ends. It was a great book, I enjoyed every word of it. I'll probably buy more books by Paolo Coelho but before that I'll try to finish the seven volumes of Nausicaa Of The Valley Of The Wind by Hayao Miyazaki.

This weekend was a great one for me, except for a few issues about my grade in my labwork for a specific course (seems like the instructor lost one of my homeworks or so). I was able, for the first time, to go online on my PS2 (Sony PlayStation 2). I played Final Fantasy XI online before, but on my PC. This time, I played Ratchet:Deadlocked online and it was great. I am waiting for Metal Gear Solid 3 Subsistance, which should be released in March, to go online for the first time in the franchise. It is going to be a great experience for sure.

When I was surfing the net early today, I found out that SQUARE ENIX has opened their official sites for Kingdom Hearts II and Grandia III. I never played Grandia before but I am excited about this one which will be released next month, February. About Kingdom Hearts, I am a big fan. This game broke all expectations, where everyone said that SQUARESOFT (by the time KH was released) and Disney are like oil and water, a strange mix would only produce a strange, probably unsuccessful, game. The game sold in North America more than Final Fantasy X and X-2 did. IGN says that KHII is "possibly the best show of graphical wizardry on the PlayStation 2." Kingdom Heart II will be released in March.

Moving from Video Games to Movies; war between the next-generation of disc formats is at rage. Some title lineup were announced to be released on Sony's Blue-Ray and Toshiba's HD-DVD. Sony holds PS3 as the winning card for this war (note that PS2 is the best selling DVD player in Japan).

Sony is already going strong with its UMDs (universal media disc) on PSP (Sony PlayStation Portable). House of Fying Daggers already sold in 3 months as much as what took the early DVD titles more than 9 month to sell ( about 100,000 copies if I remember correctly). The machine is selling as a movie player better than a hand-held gaming system. Popular Science magazine stated that when the PSP was released, handheld gaming systems stopped being toys.


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