About Stuff

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Here is an idea that I came across today and would like to share it:

Lets assign the alphabets (A, B, C...) values that equal their order (A=1, B=2, C=3...). Now, what word would give us a value of 100?

Lets try:
  • Hard Work = 98.
  • Knowledge = 96.
  • Love = 54 (r u kidding?).
  • Luck = 47.
  • Money = 72 (not bad).
  • Leadership = 89.
So what word would give us 100? Lets try once more:
  • Attitude = 100

How do you define Engineering? A lecturer asked this question today. I would answer this way: The process of defining a problem, thinking of possible solutions, then applying scientific princples to reach the optimistic solution. I was shocked that most of the attendees, including me, could not answer immediately.

These days, I am reading a chapter of Harry Potter (the Arabic translation) about everynight. I tried the English version and I could read it easily but I bought this copy since I hoped that my younger siblings would read it as well (it was cheaper too). I have all four movies so far and I plan on buying the rest as soon as they come out on DVD.

The Naruto Anime Fillers are about to end (at last). I believe that episode 182, which should be aired by the end of this month, will be the last of them. Starting next month, I'll start watching the series as I used to (I tried to watch the fillers but they seemed to be from a world other than Naruto's). I am still reading the Manga up-to-date though (I also bought the first four books and will buy more soon).

You see things; and you say "Why?" But I dream things that never were; and I say "Why not?" George Bernard Shaw


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